Position | Name | Phone | email address |
President | Suzi Gossard | 970-412-0691 | suzi.gossard(at)gmail.com |
Vice-President | Susanna Garner | 970-581-7776 | satiada(at)gmail.com |
Secretary/Historian | VOLUNTEER NEEDED | ||
Treasurer | Carol McGrath | 970-556-8580 | carol.mcgrath(at)ymail.com |
Programs | Cathy McCallum |
970-223-0436 | cathiemc(at)mail.com |
Journey Director | Marilyn Garner | 970-493-4137 | garner.marilyn(at)gmail.com |
Newsletter Editors / Publishers |
Sue Cummins Marilyn Garner Cathie McCallum |
970-682-2266 970-493-4137 970-223-0436 |
sue(at)gscummins.com garner.marilyn(at)gmail.com cathiemc(at)mail.com |
Newsletter Reporters | Suzi Gossard |
970-412-0691 | suzi.gossard(at)gmail.com |
Membership | Cathie McCallum | 970-223-0436 | cathiemc(at)mail.com |
Membership Booklet | Ed Brigden | 970-381-5809 | brigden(at)comcast.net |
Social Activities | Rocky Padden Pam Morrison |
970-306-5478 Unlisted |
RockyPad(at)yahoo.com Unlisted |
Club Store | Debby Jones |
970-686-0303 |
dsj55(at)aol.com |
Meeting Greeter | Cathie McCallum | 970-223-0436 | cathiemc(at)mail.com |
Meeting Hospitality | Elizabeth McCoy | Unlisted | Unlisted |
Photographers | Cindy Paulson Ed Brigden Cathie McCallum |
970-225-2252 970-381-5809 970-223-0436 |
cdp225(at)msn.com brigden(at)comcast.net cathiemc(at)mail.com |
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To prevent automated online prospecting for email addresses, the emails above are listed with "(at)" in place of the expected "@". Please use "@" for your personal use.